I need help with...

adult care

Adult Services

The Stanislaus County Community Service Agency has a range of programs available for the adult population. We provide protection to the elderly or disabled who are victims of abuse or neglect; we provide help in the home for elderly and disabled adults; and we also provide a safety net for financial assistance to the disabled population not yet eligible for SSI.

Visit Adult Services Homepage
cal works


The California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program is the California version of the Federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program (TANF.) CalWORKs provides time limited cash benefits to families with children when one or both parents is absent, disabled, deceased or unemployed.

Where do I start?

You must have a face-to-face interview with a case manager before benefits can be approved. If you are disabled and cannot come into the office, we may do a home visit or phone interview.


BenefitsCal is an online application system that allows you to apply for the CalWORKs Program. This is a secured site and all your information will be private and safe.

Apply for CalWORKs Benefits


Call the Customer Service Center: 1-877-652-0734

Visit CalWORKs Homepage

Other Assistance Programs

child care

The Community Services Agency Child Care Program is a child care subsidy program for current CalWORKs recipients. The program assists customers by helping them pay for childcare while they are working or attending an approved Welfare-to-Work activity.

To apply for child care services, you must visit the StanWORKs Child Care Program reception and request an intake interview appointment. The StanWORKs Child Care Program is located at 251 E Hackett Rd. Modesto CA 95358, 2nd floor of the Family Services Entrance, or call the StanWORKs Child Care Program information line at (209) 558-2332.

Visit Child Care Homepage
child support

Child Support Services

The Stanislaus County Department of Child Support Services provides professional cost effective services to parents or caretakers of minor children. We offer solutions for parents including the establishment and enforcement of child support orders through exclusive enforcement tools, establishment of legal paternity through genetic testing, complete account maintenance, and exceptional customer service to assist customers every step of the way.

Visit Child Support Homepage
childrens services

Children's Services

The Child & Family Services division's mission is to serve children and families in our community in accordance with the following guiding principles: Safety, Self Determination, Strengths, Stability, Self Reflection and Success.

Visit Children's Services Homepage

The Americans with Disabilities Act Title II protects people with physical, mental, and developmental disabilities as well as others with serious health limitations. If you have a disability that makes it hard for you to apply for benefits or meet program requirements, you have the right to request and receive extra help without the need to provide medical documentation.

Disabilities may Include Problems with:

  • Walking, sitting or standing
  • Reading, learning or understanding
  • Speaking, hearing or seeing
  • Anxiety around crowds
  • Memory loss
  • Dealing with emotions

We Can Help You With:

  • Reading CSA documents and forms
  • Filling out CSA forms
  • Getting documents we need
  • Making appointments
  • Other reasonable accommodations and modifications

Reasonable Modification Request

You may submit a Request for Reasonable Accommodation/Modification by completing the fillable CSA ADA Modification Plan Form to request a reasonable accommodation.

This form can be submitted by:

Phone Call

  • The Customer Service Center at (877) 652-0734: Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. People with a speech or hearing impairment may use or 711 (California Relay)
  • The Civil Rights ADA Hotline: (844) 586-5550


  • You may submit the completed CSA ADA Modification Plan Form to a CSA employee at any CSA office.
  • All public facing offices have the CSA ADA Modification Plan Form available.


  • You may fax the completed CSA ADA Modification Plan Form to (209) 558-2558 Attn: Coordinator/Investigator

In Writing

  • You may mail the completed CSA ADA Modification Plan Form to:
    Stanislaus County Community Services Agency
    PO Box 42
    Modesto, Ca 95397-5951

Rights For People With Disabilities Brochure

This is a brochure that outlines ADA services information.

Welfare Programs (PUB 13)

Adult Protective Services (PUB 470)


Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) is the system used in California for the issuance of CalFresh (SNAP) and CalWORKs (Cash Aid/TANF) to recipients. Visit our CalFresh resource page or our CalWORKs resource page to learn more about these programs in Stanislaus County or visit www.benefitscal.com to apply for CalFresh or CalWORKs benefits.

Beware of scams!

Please visit the following links to learn more about how to keep your benefits secure. Remember, never give away your card number or your PIN!

  • Public Service Announcement (PSA) Watch Out for Scams by the CA Department of Social Services
  • List of recent scams
  • If your benefits have been electronically stolen (skimmed) or you have been scammed by someone, you may be eligible for benefit replacement. You must report the loss within 10 days for CalFresh and within 90 days for CalWORKs. Please read the EBT 2259 for information and details regarding skimming and scamming. To report skimming or scamming, you may call the Stanislaus County Community Services Agency Customer Service Center at 1-877-652-0734 or complete the last 2 pages of the paper EBT 2259 and submit it to the county via mail, fax (209-558-2189), BenefitsCal document upload, office drop-boxes, office document upload kiosks or with reception staff at any of our offices. If it is determined that you qualify, you may be eligible for benefit replacement.

Important EBT Information & Resources:

ebt card example
cal fresh

CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps)

is a nutrition program that supplements a low-income family's food budget in order to ensure they are getting adequate nutrition. CalFresh can only be used to purchase food items and beneficiaries receive benefits electronically on a Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card.


BenefitsCal is an online application system that allows you to apply for CalFresh. This is a secured site and all your information will be private and safe.

Apply for CalFresh Benefits


Call the Customer Service Center: 1-877-652-0734

Visit CalFresh Homepage

General Assistance

The Stanislaus County General Assistance (GA) Program provides financial assistance to residents of Stanislaus County who have minimal to no means of financial support. Adults without minor dependents may be eligible. General Assistance has two pathways for applicants to apply under: employable or non-employable (disabled). Applicants who are employable will be required to complete job search related tasks while the disabled applicants will receive assistance with navigating through the Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP) approval process.

Visit General Assistance Homepage

Other Assistance Programs

covered ca

Covered California

is California's new health insurance exchange, where individuals, families and small businesses can find affordable health insurance. Apply for Covered California

Covered California Homepage
hmis logo


The Stanislaus County Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a collaborative project of the Stanislaus Community System of Care Collaborative (StanCSOC) on Affordable Housing and Homelessness Administered by the Stanislaus County Community Services Agency, (Lead Agency). Stanislaus County HMIS will enable homeless service providers to collect uniform client information over time. This system is essential to efforts to streamline client services and informed public policy. Through Stanislaus County HMIS, homeless program clients benefit from improved coordination in and between agencies, informed advocacy efforts, and policies that result in targeted services. Analysis of information gathered through Stanislaus County HMIS is critical to accurately calculate the size, characteristics, and needs of the homeless population; this data is necessary to service and systems planning and advocacy.

The long-term vision of Stanislaus County HMIS is to enhance Partner Agencies’ collaboration, service delivery and data collection capabilities. Accurate information will put The Collaborative in a better position to request funding from various sources and help plan better for future needs.

The mission of the Homeless Management Information System of the Collaborative is to be an integrated network of homeless and other service providers that use a central database to collect, track and report uniform information on client needs and services. This system will not only meet Federal requirements but also enhance service planning and delivery.

Visit HMIS Homepage
medi cal


Medi-Cal is California’s version of the Federal Medicaid program. Medi-Cal offers no-cost and low-cost health coverage to eligible people who live in California.


BenefitsCal is an online application system that allows you to apply for Medi-Cal. This is a secured site and all your information will be private and safe.

Apply for Medi-Cal Benefits

Take Action to Keep Your Medi-Cal
Don’t miss important information about your Medi-Cal health coverage.
If your contact information has changed in the past two years, please update your information today by contacting the Stanislaus County Community Services Agency (CSA) at 1-877-652-0734. You can also go to Benefitscal.com to report changes to your Medi-Cal case online.


Covered California is California's health insurance exchange, where individuals, families and small businesses can find affordable health insurance including being screened for Medi-Cal eligibility.
Apply through Covered CA


Call the Customer Service Center: 1-877-652-0734

Visit Medi-Cal Homepage
employment services

Employment Services (Welfare-To-Work)

Welfare-To-Work is a program developed to help CalWORKs (cash aid) customers find and keep a job. We can also help pay job expenses so you can continue working, worry free. We may even be able to help you get job training to help you upgrade to a higher paying job that will lead to more money for your family.

Visit Employment Services Homepage
employment services

Policy Acknowledgements

Congratulation and welcome to the Community Services Agency (CSA). To speed up the onboarding process and prepare you for your first day, we have provided links to County and CSA policies. Prior to your first day of employment, review the policies by using the web links below.

County Policies

Community Services Agency Policies

After reading each policy, initial and sign the hard copy Employee Conduct/Behavior Expectations and Policies Acknowledgement forms which are provided in your new hire packet. You will find one acknowledgement form for County policies and another form for CSA specific policies.

Please bring the completed forms on your first day of employment.

Featured Services



BenefitsCal.com is an easier way to apply for, view, and renew CalFresh, CalWORKs, and Medi-Cal. BenefitsCal is the first statewide-automated site built by and for the people of California. Together, we benefit.

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covered california

Covered California

Covered California is California's new health insurance exchange, where individuals, families and small businesses can find affordable health insurance

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medi cal


Medi-Cal is a health care program for needy residents of California. It provides access to a variety of medical services for those who are eligible.

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cal fresh


CalFresh is a nutrition program that supplements a low-income family's food budget in order to ensure they are getting adequate nutrition. CalFresh can only be used to purchase food items and beneficiaries receive benefits electronically on a Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card.

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cal fresh

Safely Surrendered Babies

The Safely Surrendered Baby Law allows a parent or person with lawful custody to surrender a baby confidentially, without fear of arrest or prosecution for child abandonment. A parent has up to 14 days from the time of surrender to reclaim their baby.

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welfare to work

Tribal TANF

Tribal TANF - Tribal TANF offers financial assistance to Native families residing in the Stanislaus County. Eligibility is limited to families with at least one child (biological, step, adopted, foster, or relative) under age 19 (if still attending high school) where at least one member of the assistance unit is a member of a federally recognized tribe, Alaska Native, member of the California Judgement rolls or of lineal descent.

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welfare to work


Welfare-To-Work is a program developed to help CalWORKs (cash aid) customers find and keep a job. We can also help pay job expenses so you can continue working, worry free. We may even be able to help you get job training to help you upgrade to a higher paying job that will lead to more money for your family.

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