Adult Services

Women helping man in wheelchair.

The Stanislaus County Community Service Agency has a range of programs available for the adult population.

We provide protection to the elderly or disabled who are victims of abuse or neglect; we provide help in the home for elderly and disabled adults; and we also provide a safety net for financial assistance to the disabled population not yet eligible for SSI.

Questions about Long Term Care/ABD and MC

3500 Coffee Road Ste 19 Modesto, CA 95355

Mon-Fri 8 AM - 5PM

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Info
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Brochure
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Brochure COVID Scams

This site cannot accept reports of abuse or neglect of elders or dependent adults. To make an APS report call 558-2637 or 1-800-336-4316. This line is available 24/7 and you will be talking with a social worker. Any person who suspects abuse may make a report. The names of reporting parties always remain confidential. This is required by law.

Understanding the Adult Protective Services (APS)

The Stanislaus County APS program investigates reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation of elders* and dependent adults**. Social workers provide services that are focused on stopping the abuse and then helping the individual to develop a plan to remain in a safe environment. All services are voluntary and confidential. Types of abuse include: physical, sexual, abandonment, abduction, isolation, financial and neglect, by self or others.

APS Services Available

  • Investigation and evaluation of reports of abuse and neglect
  • 24/7 hotline for reporting abuse
  • In person response to crisis situations
  • Short term case management
  • Tangible items to support the case plan
  • Coordination of services with other agencies
  • Information and education about legal reporting requirements
  • Home Safe Program, effective 01/01/2022

Links to Other APS Services and Resources

Links to State APS Reporting Forms (complete online, print, and fax to 1-209-558-2681)

*elders are those individuals who are 65 years or older.

**dependent adults are those individuals between 18 - 64 years and have physical or mental limitations which restricts their ability to carry out normal activities or to protect his or her rights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Unless s/he has been conserved, adults have the right to make decisions for themselves. However, skilled social workers will be talking with the individual about the concerns brought up in your report. The social workers help the individual look at the issues and will encourage them to take steps toward their own safety and well being.

No, you may report what you know or suspect may be happening. Trained social workers will conduct a private interview with the individual that you are concerned about.

The Ombudsman, not APS, has jurisdiction to investigate abuse reports of those residing in a board and care facility or a skilled nursing facility. To make a report to the Ombudsman, call (209) 529-3784.

Elderly man and woman holding hands.

3525 Coffee Road Modesto, CA 95355

Mon-Fri 8 AM - 5PM

Important Information About Timesheets

COVID-19 Emergency Back-Up Care Providers Needed

See attached flyer for more information: COVID-19 Emergency Back-Up Care Providers Needed Information Flyer [PDF]

Frequently Asked Questions

There are aged, blind or disabled persons who are limited in their ability to care for themselves and cannot live safely at home without help. This includes those who would be able, with help, to return to their home from a hospital, nursing home or a Board and Care Facility. This help may be provided to eligible persons through In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS).

In-Home Supportive Services provides a wide range of assistance to meet your individual needs and assure that you can live safely at home. You can find more information at IHSS Program Overview and IHSS Authorized Tasks.

  • Must be aged (65 years or older), blind, or disabled.
  • Unable to live safely at home without help.
  • Must meet financial need.

If you receive SSI/SSP then you meet the program's financial need requirement. Others may also be eligible, but may need to pay a portion of the cost for services.

To apply for In-Home Supportive Services call 558-2637, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Your information will be taken over the phone and your case will be assigned to a social worker who will, at a later date, come to your home to conduct a Needs and Risk assessment. If you do not currently have Medi-Cal, a Family Services Specialist will come to your home to assist you with the application process to determine if you are eligible for Medi-Cal.

The social worker conducts an assessment of the tasks you need assistance with and identifies potential risks based on your medical condition and your living arrangement. The social worker takes into consideration assistance you may be receiving from your family, friends or other available community resources. The needs assessment will determine which services, if any, are needed and how often they need to be provided in order for you to remain safely in your own home. Please note that a IHSS Health Care Certification SOC 873 [PDF] will need to be completed by a licensed health care professional stating the need for IHSS services before IHSS can be approved.

You may hire a relative or a friend, or find someone new to you. Your social worker's Supportive Services Assistant can also assist you in finding a provider through the Public Authority. For more information, Click here: Public Authority of Stanislaus County

Additional IHSS Information:

Additional FLSA Information:

We have teamed up with GetSetUp to provide hundreds of live online classes to keep you mentally, physically and socially active. Classes are interactive, easy to join, offered day and night and free for our community.

You can access these classes in two ways:

  1. Watch a selection of embedded videos directly on our website.
  2. Explore the full catalog on the GetSetUp website, where you can sign up for an account to enjoy additional features like creating a personalized training schedule. GetSetUp Signup Instructions [PDF]

Watch embedded classes on our website

Visit the GetSetUp website (requires setting up a free account)