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Child Care
Child Care
The Community Services Agency Child Care Program is a child care subsidy program for current CalWORKs recipients. The program assists customers by helping them pay for childcare while they are working or attending an approved Welfare-to-Work activity.
Frequently Asked Questions
The StanWORKs Child Care Program is a child care subsidy program for current CalWORKs families. The program partners with parents and child care providers through child care reimbursement assistance for families who are transitioning from CalWORKs to self-sufficiency while the parents work or attend an approved Welfare to Work activity. The program may not be able to cover the entire cost of child care. The state allows reimbursement up to a certain amount that varies depending on the type of child care provider, age of the child, and amount of care needed.
We are located at the Community Services Agency on 251 E. Hackett Road on the corner of Crows Landing and E. Hackett Road in Modesto. The StanWORKs Child Care Program reception area is through the Family Services entrance on the 2nd floor. We are open Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
If you are interested in applying for child care services through the StanWORKs Child Care Program, you can tell your CalWORKs case manager, visit the StanWORKs Child Care Program, or call the StanWORKs Child Care Program information line at (209) 558-2332.
To apply for child care services, you must visit the StanWORKs Child Care Program reception and request an intake interview appointment. The StanWORKs Child Care Program is located at 251 E Hackett Rd. Modesto CA. 2nd floor of the Family Services Entrance, or call the StanWORKs Child Care Program information line at (209) 558-2332.
There are many factors to consider in determining eligibility. The face to face interview may take up to 1 1/2 hours. The StanWORKs Child Care Program may take up to 30 days to approve or deny an application after conducting an interview and receiving a completed application.
You must be a current CalWORKs recipient, and meet specific Eligibility and Need requirements to be eligible to the StanWORKs Child Care Program.
Yes, you must have at least one child who is twelve years of age or younger. Children are eligible from birth through their 12th birthday. If your child has an exceptional need, he/she may be eligible to receive child care services up to 21 years of age. Additional verification is required for children with exceptional needs.
No, but you must either be a current recipient of CalWORKs, and meet all other Eligibility and Need requirements.
See chart below. Effective July 1, 2023
Family Size | Family Monthly Income | Family Yearly Income |
1-2 | $6,128 | $73,536 |
3 | $6,931 | $83,172 |
4 | $8,025 | $96,300 |
5 | $9,309 | $111,708 |
6 | $10,593 | $127,116 |
7 | $10,834 | $130,008 |
8 | $11,074 | $132,888 |
9 | $11,315 | $135,780 |
10 | $11,556 | $138,672 |
11 | $11,797 | $141,564 |
12 | $12,037 | $144,444 |
The amount of property you own does not affect your eligibility to the StanWORKs Child Care Program.
You may contact the Stanislaus County Office of Education, Child Care Resource and Referral at (209) 238-6400 or visit their website at findchildcarestanislaus.org for a list of child care providers. They can also provide you with helpful information about choosing quality child care.
It is the parents’ responsibility to choose their child care provider. You may choose a child care center, family day care, or a license-exempt provider (exempt providers must be over 18 years old, able to legally work, no disqualifying felony convictions, and if they are not a grandparent, aunt or uncle of the child being provided services, they must be TrustLine registered with a “Cleared” status before they can be approved as a child care provider). Your chosen child care provider must first be approved by the StanWORKs Child Care Program to be eligible for reimbursement.
The StanWORKs Child Care Program supports parental choice of a child care provider. We encourage you to take your time when choosing a quality child care provider for your child so you can be assured the provider you choose meets all your family’s needs. This will help prevent having to change providers frequently. Your chosen child care provider must first be approved by the StanWORKs Child Care Program to be eligible for reimbursement.
Call the StanWORKs Child Care Program and report that you would like to change your child care provider. You must notify the StanWORKs Child Care Program at least 10 days in advance prior to using a new child care provider. You will be sent a provider packet to be completed by you and your new child care provider. Once the StanWORKs Child Care Program receives the new provider packet, you will be notified when your new provider is approved and when services will begin. Remember, often your provider contract may require a two week notice before terminating services. Request for reimbursement for a two week notice cannot be approved unless child care services was provided during the two week period and no other provider is claiming reimbursement for the same period.
Families may have one child care provider per child unless your child care provider’s hours of operation do not accommodate your certified need for child care services. If your child care provider’s hours of operation do not meet your need for child care services, a 2nd child care provider may be approved.
TrustLine is California’s Registry of license-exempt child care providers who have cleared a background screening process. All license-exempt providers who are not an aunt, uncle, or grandparent to the child must be TrustLine registered with a “Cleared” status before they can be approved as a child care provider.
It is the child care provider’s choice how much they want to charge their families. However, child care providers may not charge StanWORKs or any other subsidized child care program families a different or higher rate than unsubsidized (private pay) families. Discounts available to unsubsidized (private pay) families must be available to subsidized families regardless of the timing of reimbursement. All uncovered services are the parent’s responsibility.
The StanWORKs Child Care Program may not be able to reimburse the entire cost of child care. The state only allows reimbursement up to a certain amount that varies depending on the type of child care provider, age of the child, and amount of care needed. Parents are responsible for any child care cost that the StanWORKs Child Care program is not able to reimburse.
A Family Fee is the portion of the reimbursement the family is responsible for paying before the StanWORKs Child Care Program is able to reimburse for services. The Family Fee is based on a family’s total countable monthly income and family size compared to the Federal Poverty Level. Parents pay the Family Fee directly to the provider. A receipt verifying Family Fee payment must accompany each month’s request for reimbursement before the request can be processed.
A Co-Payment is the difference between what a child care provider charges and what the StanWORKs Child Care Program can reimburse. The difference is the parent’s responsibility to pay to the child care provider.
If due to employment hours, the parent needs sleep time, or if the parent is engaged in an approved course of training and receives unit credits for online classes from an accredited school, and needs study time, the StanWORKs Child Care Program may approve reimbursement for child care services.
The StanWORKs Child Care Program will consider reasonable travel time to and from the location where child care services is being provided and the place of employment or approved activity.
If you are a CalWORKs recipient and not exempt from Welfare to Work participation (WTW), your WTW case manager determines and approves your WTW activity.
23. Can I job search on my own, on the computer, or at home and be eligible for child care services?
The StanWORKs Child Care Program does not provide care for children but rather subsidizes child care costs for services provided by an approved child care provider of the customer's choice. There are no emergency benefits available.
The Children's Crisis Centers in Modesto, Oakdale, and Turlock is a community based resource for emergency child care services on a needs basis. Their 24 hour crisis line is (209) 577-4413. Their service scheduling number is (209) 577-4110.
If you currently receive CalWORKs, and meet the Eligibility and Need requirements for subsidized child care, you may be eligible for child care services. You will be asked to provide a contact address/phone number or you may use the Community Services Agency’s address if you cannot provide an alternate contact.
No, not with the StanWORKs Child Care Program, but if you received CalWORKs as an adult in the last 24 months, and meet the Eligibility and Need requirements for subsidized child care, you may be eligible for child care services with Choices for Children. You may contact them at (209)860-5030 or visit their website at Choices for Children – Child Development Incorporated.
You may apply and re-apply at any time. You must be a current CalWORKs recipient, and meet all Eligibility and Need requirements to be eligible to the StanWORKs Child Care Program.
Your case manager’s name and phone number is documented on all paperwork you receive from the StanWORKs Child Care Program. Each time your case is reassigned, you will receive a New Worker Letter showing the new case manager’s name and phone number. You may also call the StanWORKs Child Care Program information line at (209) 558-2332 to get your case manager’s name and phone number.
You are required to notify the StanWORKs Child Care Program when your household income exceeds 85% of the SMI for your household size within 30 days. You must report ahead of time if you know your need for child care services is changing or has changed which may cause your need to increase, or if income is changing or has changed which may cause your family fee to decrease. You must also report ahead of time if you change providers. We encourage you to leave the changes on your Child Care case manager’s voicemail – available 24 hours a day. Failure to report changes timely may result in an overpayment, delayed/denied reimbursement, or termination of your child care case.
You may be eligible for child care services as long as you are receiving CalWORKs and meet all Eligibility and Need requirements. Once you are no longer receiving CalWORKs, child care services will be transferred to Choices for Children, if you continue to meet all Eligibility and Need requirements. You may continue to be eligible for child care services after the 24 months if funding is available until you become over income, fail to provide necessary information/verifications, or no longer meet the program’s Eligibility and Need requirements, and your child care case is discontinued.
Once you are no longer receiving CalWORKs you may be eligible for transitional child care services for up to 24 months if you continue to meet all Eligibility and Need requirements. Child care services will be transferred to Choices for Children. You may continue to be eligible for child care services after the 24 months if funding is available until you become over income, fail to provide necessary information/verifications, or no longer meet the program’s Eligibility and Need requirements, and your child care case is discontinued.
Stage 1 CalWORKs Child Care is administered by the StanWORKs Child Care Program and supervised by the California Department of Social Services. All current CalWORKs (cash assistance) recipients applying for child care start in this stage of child care (including CalWORKs Diversion). Child care services provided more than 30 days prior to the parent requesting services can not be covered.
Stage 2 CalWORKs Child Care is contracted to Choices for Children by the California Department of Social Services. This stage of child care assists stable families who are receiving CalWORKs (cash assistance) or have received CalWORKs assistance in the last 24 months (including CalWORKs Diversion) with child care costs.
Stage 3 CalWORKs Child Care is contracted to Choices for Children by the California Department of Social Services. This stage of child care assists families who have been discontinued from CalWORKs cash assistance (including CalWORKs Diversion) for 24 months and are in their final 24th month of Stage 1 or 2 transitional child care.
Please refer to the request for reimbursement sample you received in your Child Care approval packet. If you have further questions, please contact the StanWORKs Child Care Program.
As long as you are a resident of Stanislaus County and meet all other Eligibility and Need requirements of the StanWORKs Child Care Program, you may be eligible for child care services.
As long as you are a resident of Stanislaus County and meet all other Eligibility and Need requirements, you may be eligible for child care services.
There is no limit to how often child care providers may request a rate increase. Providers must submit their request for a rate increase in writing at least 30 days in advance to the StanWORKs Child Care Program.
All child care providers who receive $600 or more in StanWORKs Child Care Program reimbursement will have a 1099 mailed to them on or about January 31st. Child care providers may call the County Auditor-Controller at (209) 525-6405 if they do not receive a 1099 shortly after January 31st.
Child care providers are independent contractors working for the parents, and not for the StanWORKs Child Care Program. Parents choose their child care provider. The StanWORKs Child Care Program does not make referrals to child care providers but may refer parents to Child Care Resource and Referral at (209) 238-6400 for child care provider referrals.
Child Care Resource and Referral at (209) 238-6400 can provide you with helpful information on how to become a licensed child care provider and connect you with the classes and resources you need to become licensed
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