Mary started Turlock Job Readiness in February. She was friendly and nicely dressed, but came with many barriers which included a criminal record. While living in the bay area, she had a boyfriend who was involved in criminal activity that she was unaware of. One day after her boyfriend borrowed her car, they were pulled over by the police. Her car was searched and stolen items and cash were found. She was arrested and convicted of several felonies. Mary started class while still on probation.
At first Mary was resistant to the information that she learned in Job Readiness. In week two of Job Readiness she completed mock interviews and received some feedback, but was now more open to listening. Three days after mock interviews she had an interview at a large chain store. The interview panel asked her about her criminal background, and as taught in class, she explained that she had gotten involved with the wrong crowd and moved away from the bay area to restart her life, and just needed a second chance.
On the last day of Job Readiness Mary announced she got the job!